December 2018
Greetings to all of New Beginnings Evangelistic Ministries followers. It has been a long while that the ministry has been under construction in more ways than one. The following will be an update on all that has been happening.
Most all of you know New Beginnings was founded in the 70’s by Anna Grove & Mattie Blair. Thru the years they had meetings in their homes, traveled across America several times over and into Canada for over 15 years. As their age increased they kept up a tremendous pace until they reached their late 80’s. Thru out this time they chose some helpers (by the names of Shirley Stem, Don Stem, Helen White and Barbara Bell) to help carry the ministry load and to prepare them to take over the ministry when they would no longer physically be able to continue ministering. It was their desire that this ministry would continue on even after they were gone. So the baton was handed off to Shirley, Don, Helen and Barbara as of
August 16, 2018.
It was December 20, 2016 that Mattie Blair went to her heavenly reward she was 92 years young. Then on August 16, 2018 Anna Grove went home to her heavenly reward and she was 93 years young. To say they are missed is putting it mildly. BUT we have been given a charge to continue with this ministry and we are doing just that.
If you would like Prayer or have a need please let us know so we can join with you in Prayer.
For more information please contact our office, the number there is 1(714)639-0082. Our mailing address is
PO Box 11424 Santa Ana, CA 92711
May God’s richest Blessings be with you all until we meet you on the road somewhere for a New Beginnings meeting from the next Generation.